Monday, March 31, 2014

Jamberry University

Over the past month, I've been going through the newest consultant training - Jamberry University. I used the information in conjunction with an event that gave me a whole lot of leads, and I have to say it's incredibly beneficial. I told Deanna that I wanted to explain the reasons you should be going through Jamberry University, and we agreed on how I should do it.
I'm going to explain to those of you who haven't gone through the "coursework" what is involved and why you should be going through it. However, I won't be giving enough specifics that, if you don't have access to the University, you'll be able to skip the courses and benefit. If you're currently a hobbyist, the courses involved will more than make up for the $12 you spend for one month of a website, if you follow through with them.
However, that last phrase is really the key. The University is only what you make of it. If you go through the coursework as quickly as possible then never actually follow what it says, you're not going to get anything. Just like a "real" university, you're actually going to have to do the coursework like a student would. I took about 2 pages of notes for each section and really thought about the questions that were asked and the answers that I gave. That's the only way you're going to have success through the University.
There are currently 10 classes in Jamberry University. Each one of them is a little more difficult than the previous. You should expect each lesson to take an average of an hour. A couple took me half an hour, the last one took me 2 hours. That means, if you took one course every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of April, you'd be done before May. It also means you'd only have to find 3 hours a week, and you can work on it in small bits at a time. There were days I'd watch the video then go do some chores then come back and do one of the sections and repeat. Breaking the courses into the 15 minute intervals I talked about in Time Pockets really helped.
Each course is broken into 4 sections and they are as follows:
  • A pre-test that asks questions you may not have ever thought of. Answer honestly, and you'll see where you need to improve. Jamberry doesn't care if you don't already know the things they're about to teach you.
  • A video that is broken down into the subheadings of the lesson. In this video, Jamberry leaders explain their understanding of the mini-concept. I took tons of notes in these videos as their advice is not generally repeated in the actual lessons.
  • The actual lesson. This is the reading portion of the course, and it is generally broken into 3-4 subheadings. You have the ability to highlight important phrases within these sections; however, I took tons of notes so I can reference them outside the internet. That's how I learn best.
    • Each of the sub-sections will have an open answer section that will ask you to really think about what you've just learned and make a plan accordingly.
  • A post-test that asks exactly the same questions the pre-test did. If you took the lesson seriously, and answered all of the open ended questions, you should score perfectly on this. If you still didn't understand something, go back and re-read.
Finally, I wanted to give you the run down of what you'll learn in the University. I realize some people might not want to sign up for their website because they don't know what's in the University. The concept of taking an online course for something when you don't know the content is a little scary. I will say, most of these concepts will be able to be found on outside websites, but I can't find a single site that will provide all these topics without a cost. Even if I could, they wouldn't be tailored specifically to the products that you sell. From what I've seen on other training websites, $10/$12 per month is incredibly inexpensive, especially for what you get from the University. Here is the current list of courses available through Jamberry University.
  • Lesson 1: Cultivating an attitude of success
    • Learn about persistence, passion, values, and taking time off from your business.
  • Lesson 2: Earning Income with Jamberry
    • Learn about the Jamberry Compensation plan, Retail commissions, level overrides, Fast Start rewards, and advancement bonuses.
  • Lesson 3: Planning and managing your time
    • Learn about clarifying your "Why", understanding your business expectations, setting attainable goals, and how to break down those goals into daily tasks & activities. 
  • Lesson 4: Telling your story effectively
    • Learn about promoting by wearing product, creating elevator speeches for products and business opportunities, and how to have make a presentation "short & sweet" when you need.
  • Lesson 5: Business is Everywhere
    • Learn about expanding your network, developing social media marketing strategy, creatin g a daily contact schedule, and following up and closing after vendor events.
  • Lesson 6: Coaching your Host for Success
    • The title is pretty self-explanatory, but this also includes how to turn a hostess into a recruit and follow-up time lines.
  • Lesson 7: Successful Parties and follow-up
    • Again, self explanatory. Learn about how to hold a party, full-service checkout, and following up.
  • Lesson 8: Positive scripts and self talk
    • Learn about anticipating objection, overcoming fear, and creating a positive mind-set and attitude for yourself.
  • Lesson 9: Come from a place of service
    • Learn about exceeding expectations, maintaining excellent service, and giving back to your community.
  • Lesson 10: Developing and building your team
    • Learn about leading by example, personal development, training new consultants, and building and effective team.

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