Sunday, January 26, 2014

Hostess Packets

One of the most common questions I see asked, no matter what Facebook page or direct sales organizations, is "What should I put in a hostess packet?"  Your hostess packet sets you up for success for that party.  If you put too much in it, you risk the hostess feeling overwhelmed.  Too little can lead to an unsuccessful party.  I'm going to tell you what's in my hostess packet and why, then you can decide what you want.
  • Catalogue.  I usually only put in one, but you could put in multiples.  Your hostess should know that she can always ask for more.
  • Sample packets.  I put in 3.  My hostess knows that when someone says they can't come to the party, she can give them a sample to try.  That sample has all of the information her friend needs to order online.
  • Booking letter.  This is something that I got from a woman in Phoenix.  She uses it to explain how to have the best party possible. 
  • Hostess Planner.  I have used the ones you can order and had them printed from the workstation.  This is a great place for your hostess to create her guest list.
  • Hostess Rewards table.  I know there's one on the hostess planner, but I made one big enough for my hostess to read. 
  • Hostess Games.  I include games for my hostess to play that will help her have the most successful party.  I give her three and let her choose which, if any, she wants to use.  You can edit these however you want. 
         Hostess Tic Tac Toe  - I give her this grid with different goals for her party.  She gets an "X" in every square that she completes, and earns prizes for it.
         Hostess Scavenger Hunt  - I've seen a different one of these for every direct sales business.  This is one I found and made my own document.  Tell your hostess that, a woman can only count for 1 category (red-headed pregnant women can only count as a red-head or a pregnant woman).  If she tries to invite 1 of every kind of woman, she's totally going to have a great party!
         Raffle Squares - Before you do this, check to make sure there aren't any laws against it.  Give your hostess the grid and have her "sell" each square for $1 a piece.  Each person can buy as many or as few as they want.  She should write the person who purchased the square in its box.  Once all the orders are made and paid for, you draw one of the numbers that have been purchased.  The person who purchased that number gets the total sold in Jamberry product - up to $100!  This is a great way for your hostess to get a $100 boost to her party sales


  1. The hostess games are not downloading?!

  2. Oh, goodness, I'm working on that. I'll comment when I've linked them from my dropbox.
