Saturday, January 4, 2014

Make a Party Bank!

How many times have you been in your "booking room" after a party and had someone walk in and say, "I'd love to have a party, but..." or "I'd love to have a party when..."?  These are always followed by a very good reason she can't book right this minute, but she will almost always give you a time that she'll be ready.  Here are some examples:
  • "I'd love to have a party, but we're moving right now."
  • "I'd love to have a party when my house's remodel is done."
  • "I really want to have a party, but I'm in the middle of finals."
These are great examples of women who are telling you when they want to be contacted, but they are completely useless if you don't follow up at the appropriate time.  For that reason, you should always have a Party Bank ready to take down her information at any given time.

You'll need:  A binder, 3-hole punch, hole re-inforcers, and a printer.

Print off the whole year of calendars from one of these sites (repeated from yesterday):
Punch holes in each one and reinforce the holes so you have no excuse for pages falling out.  Put them in your binder in order.

Download this file and print off at least 24 copies of it.  Punch holes and reinforce them.  Put 2 behind each month.  This is what will make up your leads for the month it is behind.  If your potential hostess gives you a date like, "I'm expecting a baby May 14," write her name down 2-3 weeks later then write her contact information in the box behind that month.

Name:__Jane Smith______________________
Phone #: __(250)555-1234_____________
Address:  __#1 Main St._________________________________________________________
Email:  _fakeemail@gmail.com______________
Alt Phone #: __________________
Hostess:  __Julie Smith_____________________
Notes:  __Expecting a baby on May 14.  It's a girl!__________________________________

As a bonus to my hostesses, I usually go in and request a party in this person's name so that she will still get booking credit from her friend.  This is up to you, I just like to provide this service.

Now, when June rolls around, you'll pull out your Party Bank and look at the calendar to see Jane's name listed on the 4th.  You have all of her information and are now ready to call her up and say, "Hi, Jane, my name is Sally Consultant.  We met each other at Julie's Jamberry party in January.  I remembered you were expecting a little girl.  How is she?  How's that going?  Well, as I promised, I'm giving you a call to see when you'd be ready to schedule your very own Jamberry party!"

With your Party Bank in place, you'll never have to miss an important booking opportunity again!

Homework:  Take a picture of your party bank and post it!  Due January 10.

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